Southgate Waterline Replacement Project

Southgate Waterline Replacement Project

The Southgate Waterline Replacement Project included replacing over 47,000 LF of waterline for the Southgate Water and Sanitation District. We installed, connected, and tested 4-to-16-inch waterlines, existing waterline abandonments, fire hydrants, and residential...
RidgeGate – Happy Canyon Truck Sanitary Sewer Project

RidgeGate – Happy Canyon Truck Sanitary Sewer Project

The Ridgegate Happy Canyon Truck Sanitary Sewer Project involved 5,700 linear feet of 18in to 27in PVC sanitary sewer pipeline and manholes. We installed pipe in up to 35 feet of sewer and more than 10 ft of bedrock. The project required a technical approach to...
I-25 Managed Lanes

I-25 Managed Lanes

The I-25 Managed Lanes project involved paving 3,245 tons of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) over the course of one weekend. Our two paving crews coordinated and planned the project perfectly to ensure it was completed in one weekend. The I-25 project awarded us the 2015...
Empower Field at Mile High

Empower Field at Mile High

We partnered with Turner Construction on this 76,000-seat sports stadium in Denver. Brannan Companies used over 70,000 tons of hot mix asphalt to bring what is now known as Empower Field Mile High to life. Our team of experts worked hard to adjust to changing weather...