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Ready Mix
Ready Mix concrete is one of the world’s most popular building materials. Ready Mix concrete is a versatile and strong material that can last lifetimes. We work hard to produce a specified product while meeting the high standards of our customers and the industry demand. Trust us to help work with you to build a strong foundation.

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Used to increase the rate of early strength development or lessen the time of setting, or both.
Water Reducers
Water-reducing and set-controlling admixtures represent one of the more important groups of chemical admixtures used in concrete. These admixtures reduce the water requirement of a concrete mixture for a given slump or increase the slump for given water content. Decreasing the water content reduces the water-cement ratio, thereby increasing the resulting concrete’s strength.
Hydration Stabilizers
Hydration stabilizers are advanced set retarders. While conventional set retarders enjoy widespread use to slow concrete set times, on many projects additional set control is needed. Hydration stabilizers are formulated to provide this extended control, ranging from a few hours of delayed set for long haul or delayed placement situations to over 30 hours for large continuous pour projects. Hydration stabilization enhances the efficiency of air entrainers by 10% to 20%.
It is ideally suited for concrete applications that require protection from plastic and drying shrinkage, improved durability, increased service life and reduced construction costs. The use of fibers in concrete can reduce the total energy consumption of a construction project and will contribute to sustainable building practices.
Used to increase the rate of early strength development or lessen the time of setting, or both.
Water Reducers
Water-reducing and set-controlling admixtures represent one of the more important groups of chemical admixtures used in concrete. These admixtures reduce the water requirement of a concrete mixture for a given slump or increase the slump for given water content. Decreasing the water content reduces the water-cement ratio, thereby increasing the resulting concrete’s strength.
Hydration Stabilizers
Hydration stabilizers are advanced set retarders. While conventional set retarders enjoy widespread use to slow concrete set times, on many projects additional set control is needed. Hydration stabilizers are formulated to provide this extended control, ranging from a few hours of delayed set for long haul or delayed placement situations to over 30 hours for large continuous pour projects. Hydration stabilization enhances the efficiency of air entrainers by 10% to 20%.
It is ideally suited for concrete applications that require protection from plastic and drying shrinkage, improved durability, increased service life and reduced construction costs. The use of fibers in concrete can reduce the total energy consumption of a construction project and will contribute to sustainable building practices.
Technical Specifications
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Aggregate & Recycling Sales
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Asphalt Work
Employment Opportunities & Recruiting
(303) 477-1607 • (303) 383-6445
Ready Mix Dispatch *For orders only
(303) 795-5995 • (303) 297-3355
Ready Mix Sales
Underground Utilities
Trucking Department
Brannan Corporate Headquarters
2500 East Brannan Way
Denver, CO 80229
Phone: (303) 534-1231
Fax: (303) 534-1236
Credit Department
Phone: (303) 853-5140
Fax: (303) 534-1236
For Credit or Receivables – ar@brannan1.com
Contact Information
Main Office & General Information
(303) 534-1231
Aggregate & Recycling Sales
(303) 534-1231
Asphalt Materials Dispatch & Sales
(303) 853-5146
Asphalt Work
(303) 534-1231
Employment Opportunities & Recruiting
(303) 477-1607 • (303) 383-6445
Ready-Mix Dispatch *For orders only
(303) 795-5995 • (303) 297-3355
Ready Mix Sales
(303) 534-1231
Underground Utilities
(303) 273-9382
Brannan Corporate Headquarters
2500 East Brannan Way
Denver, CO 80229
Phone: (303) 534-1231
Fax: (303) 534-1236
Credit Department
Phone: (303) 853-5140
Fax: (303) 534-1236
For Credit or Receivables – ar@brannan1.com